Fork & Knife in Paradise

If you need more information, send email by clicking Group Leader's Name below or click "View Profile" above to sign up.

  By clicking the Green People button(s) below, you will see a listing of all members within the group.  

Lunch Bunch

We gather at local restaurants to taste what they have to offer as we share eating adventures with friends.

Meets:  Leader scheduled

Group Leader(s):  Diane Monaco

Rolling In The Dough

Conquer your phobia of dough during 4-5 sessions!

1. Basic pasta dough and shaping techniques
2. Pie dough and pie decorating with dough
3. Puff pastry - How to make your own
4. Pizza doughs and basic bread with “yeast”(my phobia)
5. Dough for sweet and savory cookies/biscotti/shortbreads

Group Size: 10 Members

Meets: Leader home or TBD

Group Leader(s): Mary Teeter and Julie Plosz

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